In my June 25th blog, (see below), I asked Does Your Career Path Have Heart? . . . . or Heartburn?
It occured to me, in hindsight, that you cannot answer that question unless I define what I mean by "heart." In other words, does your career path excite you? . . . lift your spirits? . . . feed your soul? . . . make you happy? . . feel more like play than work? Is your work meaningful? . . . satisfying?
IT TAKES GUTS TO HONESTLY ADMIT TO YOURSELF THAT THE ANSWER IS NO. Let's get clear: there is no shame or guilt or beating yourself up necessary--unless you want to make yourself miserable.
The better alternative to stewing and chewing is to begin to reinvent yourself NOW! Ask yourself the following questions: (Answer off the top of your head with the first words that comes to mind. Brainstorm without judgment or analysis. No deep archaeological digging}
- If my path had heart, what would it look like? . . . feel like? How would I think differently? . . . act differently?
- If you had all the money, training, and emotional support to be all you can be, what would you have accomplished by now?
- What did you dream about being or doing as a child? ( I can hear you saying, "It's too late; how cam I make money at that now? Stop it. Get out of your head for the moment.}
George Eliot of Silas Marner fame says it best: "It's never too late to be who you might have been."
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